Acupuncture For Joint Relief In Blaine MNJoint pain can occur at any age but is more likely as we get older when we’re more susceptible to health problems. Many people with joint pain are prescribed anti-inflammatory medications to help alleviate their discomfort. However, these usually only treat the pain rather than the underlying cause. Fortunately, there are other treatment options, including acupuncture.

Acupuncture is an ancient practice that involves the insertion of ultra-fine needles into predetermined points of the body to stimulate, disrupt and change the flow of energy. It’s believed that doing this prompts the body to release natural chemicals that help to fight illness and improve whole-body wellness. The practice of acupuncture stems from ancient Chinese medicine, but modern scientific studies have confirmed that it is effective at treating a variety of different health conditions, including joint pain.

Duration Of Acupuncture Sessions

Acupuncture sessions usually last between 30 minutes and 60 minutes, which includes placing the needles and giving them time to work. The needles are placed at different depths, and while some people may experience a momentary prick as the needles are placed, the treatment should be painless. In fact, some patients become so relaxed that they fall asleep! Unsurprisingly, when a patient is looking to target and improve their joint pain, most acupuncture needles may be placed around the knee area. However, to divert energy efficiently, it may also be necessary to place needles in other areas of the body. Your practitioner will explain the needle placement to you and will be happy to answer any questions that you have.

How Many Acupuncture Sessions You May Need?

Every patient is different, and this means that the number of acupuncture treatment sessions you will need will depend on your condition and how well your body responds to the treatment. Many patients will have one appointment a week for several weeks to achieve optimal improvement. Others will require sessions less frequently to maintain the joint relief that they have achieved. It’s also important to remember that you might not experience the full benefits of your acupuncture treatment after just a single session, and so you may need to wait for several weeks to establish how well the treatment is working for you.

Holistic Chiropractic Care – Acupuncture Treatments

Like all our chiropractic care services, acupuncture treatments can be used individually or as a part of an individualized chiropractic treatment plan. To find out more on how acupuncture can help you, contact our acupuncturist in Blaine, MN by calling (763) 205-3781 or emailing