by Catalyst Chiropractic | Dec 2, 2020 | Acupuncture, Headache Relief, Stress
Most of us have to deal with an occasional headache, and most headaches will go away on their own in a short period of time. Drinking some water or getting some nourishment may be all we need to do in order to prevent a little twinge from becoming a full-blown...
by Catalyst Chiropractic | Nov 18, 2020 | Back Pain, Rehabilitation Services, Stress
Back pain is experienced by many. In fact, approximately 65 million American say that they have experienced a recent episode of back pain and about 16 million have persistent or chronic back pain that impacts daily activity. Many of us experience back pain from time...
by Catalyst Chiropractic | Nov 4, 2020 | Headache Relief, Natural Pain Relief, Stress
If you have to deal with frequent, persistent, or severe headaches, you know what it is like to suffer a loss of quality of life. No pain is fun to deal with, but there are some kinds of pain that can be tolerated more easily than others. Headache pain, however,...
by Catalyst Chiropractic | Oct 7, 2020 | Chiropractic Services, Stress
Stress is more present in our lives now than ever before. In fact, the amount of stress we are under has grown significantly in just the last year. Our jobs have changed, our kids are at home doing school virtually, many feel isolated by having to limit our social...
by Catalyst Chiropractic | Sep 30, 2020 | Natural Pain Relief, Stress
No matter if this is your first pregnancy or you’ve had a few children already, pregnancy can definitely wear you down both mentally and physically. Since you’re in the middle of growing a baby, you have to be extremely careful when it comes to trying to achieve pain...
by Catalyst Chiropractic | Aug 17, 2020 | Healthy Living, Rehabilitation Services, Stress
Wondering how to manage headache stress in 2020? If you have followed the news, even occasionally, you know that 2020 is a year of great stress for many people. The leading story, of course, is the Covid-19 pandemic which has caused great stress for nearly every...